The Congress

Dear colleagues, researchers, practitioners and enthusiasts of the communication sciences,

We are pleased to invite you to the second edition of the International Congress of Communication Sciences, organized by the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Tetouan. After the resounding success of our first edition, we are delighted to welcome you once again on November 28th, 29th and 30th, 2024.

is of a crucial importance, as we are facing unprecedented environmental challenges. We fermly believe that Communication plays a central role in raising awareness, mobilizing people and taking action to preserve our planet for future generations.

Why this thematic ?

Climate and environmental emergency: We are facing an exceoptional climate and environmental crisis, requiring immediate, coordinated action at all levels of society.

The power of communication: Effective communications are essential to raise awareness, educate and mobilize individuals, communities, businesses and governments towards more sustainable, environmentally-friendly behavior.

Behavior change: Understanding the mechanics of persuasion, motivation and behavior change is crucial to promoting more sustainable lifestyles and practices.

Innovation and technology: New technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for environmental communication, from virtual reality to artificial intelligence and social media.

Interdisciplinary approaches: Environmental communication requires a holistic approach, involving experts from various fields, including social sciences, environmental sciences, psychology, technology and many others.

What can you expect ?

Presentations of cutting-edge research in the field of environmental communication.

Interactive sessions and practical workshops to share best practices and effective strategies.

Stimulating discussions on current challenges and future opportunities in the field of environmental communication.

Networking opportunities with researchers, professionals and decision-makers from all over the world.
